Зашла сейчас на свой канал на ютубе ответить на комментарии к клипам, а там к одному моему старенькому клипу по Мерлину вот такое чудо написано:
Oh, this is gorgeous! Seriously, I can't take the smile off my face. The editting, the music, the whole thing is just absolutely fantastic. I can't even put into words how beautiful this is. You have so much talent with video making. Not only are your videos very well put together but there's so much feeling and meaning and all around perfection in them. Honestly, thank you so much for making these videos and sharing them with us. They never fail to cheer me up!

Мне даже жаль стало, что Мерлин меня больше не вдохновляет на клипмейкерство.